Have you ever visualized yourself doing something you love, held that thought near and dear to your heart and then one day, just like magic; your set intentions manifested into reality? If you have, Congratulations! Knowingly or unknowingly, you have manifested before. Today, we will share with you how to effectively manifest your deepest desires Manifesting works directly with the law of attraction. The Law of attraction can bring love, abundance, health and happiness (just to name a few) into your life. The law of attraction does not discern if what you are asking for (consciously or unconsciously) is good or bad, it simply complies. It works with your vibrational frequency by reading your emotional state. Then, it magnifies that energy back to you, it is what we call Karma. Think about it this way, we are antenas sending signals out into the universe, in turn the universe reflects back to us. Does this mean everything that has manifested in our lives we are directly responsible for? The answer is yes. Once, we take responsibility for everything that has transpired in our lives, we are ready to open up to new horizon of boundless possibilities and opportunities
Manifesting works directly with the law of attraction. The Law of attraction can bring love, abundance, health and happiness (just to name a few) into your life. The law of attraction does not discern if what you are asking for (consciously or unconsciously) is good or bad, it simply complies. It works with your vibrational frequency by reading your emotional state. Then, it magnifies that energy back to you, it is what we call Karma. Think about it this way, we are antenas sending signals out into the universe, in turn the universe reflects back to us. Does this mean everything that has manifested in our lives we are directly responsible for? The answer is yes. Once, we take responsibility for everything that has transpired in our lives, we are ready to open up to new horizon of boundless possibilities and opportunities.